So here we are with the first game on deck. Army of Two - The Devils Cartel
Developed by Visceral Media and released by EA Games in early March of 2013. This is the third game of this series. The first, Army of Two, with the second being Army of Two - The 40th Day. This incarnation, as with the previous two, is a 3rd person shooter.
This time around we follow the escapades of Alpha and Bravo, two ops recently recruited by the mercenary organization, T.W.O(Tactical Worldwide Operations). Set in the present and located in and around Mexico. The main baddies of this game come from, guessed it, a Mexican cartel. La Guadaña, aptly named meaning "the scythe".
So with the ground work laid for all the basic info on the game, lets talk about it for real! I was a big fan of the first Army of Two, especially with all the weapon customization and character interaction dynamics(Paper, Rock, Scissors BITCHES!!!). However, the 40th Day completely lost me and I mean lost like the sorcerers stone lost.
This time around though, I'm glad to say that overall, I really enjoyed this game. It had decent writing, good voice acting and on par graphics. The campaign is broke down into location levels with intermittent check points that allow you to access and augment your gear and weapon load out to better fit whatever situation you may find yourself in.
Speaking of gear and weapon load outs. As you progress thru the game you are paid for the, "services", you've rendered and in turn can use those funds to purchase weapons and gear. Character masks and gear are interesting as well. For me, I really liked all the different masks, which included 2 special masks from Dead Space. One designed to look like the predator alien and a "Lets make some licensing money on the side" mask designed by Skull Candy. The games arsenal is all based on actual firearms but sadly, it must have cost a little too much to buy the licensing rights for the actual names. However, there is no mistaking any of the weapons and what real life firearms they are based on. Any game fan is going to know what gun a 50 cal. "Falcon" is based on.
On a side note at point your guns and gear get forcefully taken from you. Now, I don't know about you or about how you may or may not choose to take offense by someones actions,......that's your call. However, I put in a LOT of money into my weapons and gear,....A LOT. It became a matter of personal disrespect on a purely spiritual level to regain possession of my "belongings". As for the game villain that took said weapons and gear,...I killed him. I mean really killed him. I mean like, reloaded the game once he was dead to kill him again killed him. Then played thru that level on a higher difficulty level to drive home the fact that he had made a rather substantial mistake in his decision to take my STUFF. Just Sayin.
Ultimately, this game is well worth a play thru(Especially once I reconnoitered my STUFF). Can it compare to MW3, Black Ops or for that matter Halo or G.O.W? No, or rather, HELL NO! Come on let's be serious, this game doesn't have a zombie mode!?! How about Battlefield, Big Real, is it better than Battlefield? Seriously did you see that games production budget!?! So,...NO. It just isn't. Yet and still it is worthwhile fun. But if you only play the best, expect the best and won't settle for less without complaining, Modern Warfare Ghost is right around the corner.
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