About Me

       I was born and raised in Topeka, KS. I grew up in the 80's and 90's and had the fortune of witnessing the rise of the video game culture. From the old school arcades to all the different home consoles, I've seen it all. Video gaming really reeled me in with the advent of the NES. I immediately became addicted!!! I spent countless hours saving princesses and defeating intergalactic alien hoards. Over the past 7 years I've had the pleasure of working at a local video game store owned by a lifelong friend and have helped with the marketing and advertising for it. 
       Luckily for me I had a mother who loved Sci-Fi and fantasy so aside from not being to bothered by all the video games, she nurtured my love of science fiction like Star Wars, Star Trek . Fantasy  movies and series like Conan and  Xena. She also taught me that  stories regardless of the actors or budget are always first words. So in turn I also became an avid reader. To this day I still prefer most books to their theatrical counterparts. Authors like Robert Heinlien, Dean Koontz and possibly my favorite Stan Lee and the entire comic book universe. 
         As a teen I strayed away from all things considered geek for sports and music. Playing football and starting a local music group called 3rd F.E.L.O.N ENT. That music group soon shrank to become a duo called the Co-Op. Those years provided invaluable lessons in entertainment and communication.
         Now as an adult I appreciate all the experiences and opportunities I've had. Around 5 years ago I began working with Keith "The Critic" Van Sickle, reviewing video games on The Aisle Seat and helping with the always exciting Slash and Bash Horror Film Festival.
         I've had the pleasure of spending the majority of my working career in social services, am happily married to a wonderful woman, who also shares my love of helping others and have 2 limited edition dogs that mean the world to me.
Favorite games: The Modern Warfare and Black Ops series, The Dynasty/Samurai/Gundam Warriors Series, just plain to many to list!!!
Best Movies: Aliens, Ju-On, The Legend of the Stormriders, Terminator(not 3, 4 or the TV series) and The Dark Knight Trilogy.
TV For Me: The Big Bang Theory, Supernatural, Sons of Anarchy, American Horror Story and The Walking Dead.
Read, Sure why Not: Naruto Shippuden, World War Z, The Passage and The Twelve, Star Wars: The New Jedi Council Series and Star ship Troopers. Not to mention pretty much any comic book you throw at me.
         I hope you enjoy the postings. We are all connected so share your thoughts and opinions. Thanks. 

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