Saints Row IV - Games - 3.5 Stars
A fun Infamous/Prototype clone mixed with the Matrix series.

Wow,....Saints Row is back and this time around it doesn't really feel like the Saints Row I know and love. I've always been a fan of Saint's Row. From the very beginning, It always felt like a lighter-hearted Grand Theft Auto and I appreciated that. Now however, It feels more like the Matrix on Colorado or Washington approved medicinal herbs! It's just all kind of, well, I don't know, weird!?! There are Matrix easter eggs all over the place. Not to mention the absolute clonage of all things Prototype-ish. Yeah I just did that.
I'm not saying I don't like this game in any way. Because I really do. It's just so much more over the top then ever before. More over the top than Hulk-smash gloves that make people explode on face punch, or any of the other ridiculous things that the Saints have convinced you to do. So, there is that. At the very least though it's still insane. Not to mention you get to be the President that saves humanity from an alien invasion,...with his fists!!!
Overall I enjoy the take on this title. Volition took all the components of many good titles and squashed them into one. Creating a not so perfect storm of video-gaming unruliness. It is nice to see all the Saints return in one way or another. Even some of the old enemies make guest appearances. Plus all of the old side quests/events have returned or have been tweaked in some way to fit this go round.
It's hard to tell you to much about the game without spoiling it and sadly, I can't say run out and drop 60 bucks on this one. So, my suggestion is to Redbox or Gamefly this one first, even if you are a Saints Row fan. Especially with the release of GTA right around the corner, this is just a harder sell this time around. To be honest, I am surprised that they set the release so close to GTA's, especially considering just how similar the two titles have always been. Although the two games started to switch gears and go in somewhat different directions with Saints Row: The Third and the last GTA, they will always be compared to each other and GTA will always be the winner of said comparison. GTA will almost always be a 4 or 5 star game,...always. I mean I know you remember San friggin Andreas!!!! GANGSTER! Even the sound track to San Andreas was GANGSTER!!!
SR4 is definatley it's own beast and has a lot of good, fun qualities. The open world makes for a ADD nightmare! There's always something going on to distract you from the given task. from side quests to the main missions. Customization is a biggie in this title, as it has always been. You can even unlock items from the previous installments.
However I must say that it is in no way child friendly. If your child is playing this game and is below the age of 16 or 17, your not doing it right! Doing what right Real? Well, how about PARENTING!!!! Games have ratings for a reason. The first parent to complain about this game needs to have someone complain about how the complainer is parenting their children. Because Saints Row has never and will never be for children. It's 2013 and people need to relize that just because it's a video game does not mean it's for kids! Jeez!!! I really hope that offended someone!
So 3.5 stars is what I give it. Not to bad. However had they used any of their own ideas, it would have been rated higher. Enjoy!!!
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