Theatrically released April 12th, 2013 and followed by the DVD and blu-ray on July 16th, 2013. The movie stars Chadwick Boseman (Jackie Robinson), Harrison Ford (Branch Rickey) and Christopher Meloni (Leo DuRocher ) to name a few.
There's not alot of negatives to this film, so doing a long review is kind of pointless. I mean for once, at least I don't have to worry about spoilers,'s kinda written in history. Jackie Robinson is to say the least, a tad bit of a mythological figure in the world of baseball. It was however, very interesting to get to learn a little more, however much glamorized for Hollywood his character may have been, about Branch Rickey and with Harrison Frikkin Indiana-Han Solo-Jones at the helm, learn I did.
So lets put all the cards on the table here, shall we. Warner Bros. didn't roll the 20-sided risk dice on this film,...they just didn't. It honestly had about as much of a chance of initially failing as Sheldon Cooper. Am I right!?! Am I,....never mind. Seriously though. Race is always going to be a hot topic, there's no way around it. So for all intents and purposes, this was one of the biggest boiling point moments in American civil rights history. A black man being allowed into the exclusively white MLB. Add to that some of the best writing money can buy and SHAZAM! Plus it's not like they had to spend alot of money and time on special effects.
Anyway, overall this is a really good movie. The acting was great, as was the writing and wardrobe. I mean everything was really spot on. It's easy to really like Jackie Robinson pretty early on in this film. So I'ma just cut to the chase on this one,...... He Makes It Into The Major League. GASP!!! Yup and believe it or not some of the other players don't take to kindly to that. GASP!!! Yup. You know what happens. So I give this one 4 stars. I just can't give it 5 because I don't feel like there was any risk factor involved with this one. So rent it, buy it, whatever but I'm pretty sure you'll probably like it, I did.
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